106/365: Writing


106/365: Writing — In order to state the obvious; I love writing. I love that you can spill your thoughts and your secrets, your pain and your happiness onto paper. I love that paper has no voice to argue back with you, or to tell you that you are wrong or stupid or silly for feeling the way you do. Paper listens and will never answer back. Writing for me is therapy. Once I have spent a good hour or so writing I feel so much better. On the rare occasions that I look in the drawers in my bedroom I find pages upon pages of things I have written when I was younger. Secrets I have never shared with any human being. Thoughts that I have been to scared to share with anyone. Pain I have felt that nobody could understand. Writing keeps me sane. Writing sets me free.

105/365: Flowers


105/365:  Flowers — Flowers are beautiful. I love them. We always have a vase of flowers at home. I don’t really have a particular favourite flower as they are all very pretty. I like roses, especially the pink ones. Daises because they remind me of my brother and the times we used to sing Daisy Daisy. I love sunflowers because they remind me of summer and all the happy memories that summer brings. Flowers brighten up so many places. A world without flowers would be dull and colourless.

103/365: Best


103/365: Best — Growing up we are taught to always be the best, to always do our best and to accept nothing but the best. But what is the best? Being good at everything? Always putting a hundred percent effort into everything we do? Getting everything right first time? I think telling children to do their best and telling them to be the best could cause more damage  than good. Children get things wrong and that should be okay. I got loads of things wrong when I was younger and that is how I learnt. I once washed my hair with soap in the school toilets. I was six or seven years old. I was trying my best! I did not get into trouble but I did get a few funny looks….. My teacher rinsed my hair, stuck my head under the dryer and took me back to class. That is how I learned the difference between shampoo and soap. I believe telling children to accept nothing but the best builds them up for a fall. People make mistakes and they can disappoint and hurt us. That does not mean they are unlovable or bad people. They are human.

102/365: Silence


102/365: Silence — Sometimes silence is necessary. Sometimes you need silence to evaluate, to think or simply to breathe. I love the occasional bout of silence. I find just sitting in silence relaxing. It is a chance for me to consider new ideas. Everyone needs some silence in their everyday living. I don’t think it is possible to live without silence.

98/365: Bed


98/365: Bed — I adore my bed! I like having the space to spread out or to curl up. My bed has been there through my trials and tears. I love nothing more than getting into bed after a long, tiring day and falling sleep.

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97/365: Scared


97/365: Scared — We all get scared. Scared of things going wrong, scared we will mess up. I have a long list of things I am scared of; going to the doctors and dentist, heights, spiders, driving on the motorway. I do not even know why I am scared of these things. I believe that things can only harm us if we let then. When we are scared of things we give them power. The power to hurt us, to frighten us, to damage us. I wish I had realised that earlier.

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Search for: So Many Unsaid Things

Why do I write?


I write with purpose but sometimes my writings come about by accident. I write because I very often cannot say what I want verbally

I write to shine a light in the lives of others. I write to bring strength, encouragement and love. I write with the hope that my words will touch someone else, that my words will inspire others. I write to bring about hope in hopeless situations.

I write to express who I am, what I am feeling and what touches my life. I write to calm my mind and give new life to my soul. I write to share memories and also so I can look back and remember them.

I write because I know that one day my feelings will have a reason and a purpose.

89/365: Laughter


89/365: Laughter — I believe laughter really is the best medicine. Laughter can brighten your day, and make you feel better. People often say that having a good cry is good for you. I believe that having a good laugh is good for you too. Always add a little laughter to your day. Laughing is good for the soul!

88/365: Heart


88/365: Heart — Our heart keeps us alive. If our heart stopped beating then our life would end. I believe our hearts go through a lot…pain, suffering, a variety of feelings, stress. Our heart is effected by what happens in our life; loss, relationship break-downs, worry. We feel pain, we feel suffering. There are times in my life where I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest and it hurts. But we do recover. Whatever you are going through will not last forever. The pain will end, the suffering will end. Hearts are tough and so are you. Believe in yourself!