78/365: Proud


78/365: Proud — Being proud of someone or something means that we appreciate what has been done, what is being done and what will be done in the future. I am immensely proud of a number of people in my life. My parents for the way they cared for my brother. They dedicated twenty eight years of their lives to him and they did a fantastic job! Also for looking after my sister and I too. I can only imagine how difficult it would have been for them. My beautiful, amazing best friend for all she has achieved. I am proud that she is following her dreams and enjoying the London life. I am also proud of an amazing woman whose heart for the poor is admirable. She works tirelessly to help those in debt and gives them the love and support they need. My big sister has achieved so much since she left school nine years ago; graduating from two of England’s top universities, achieving her Phd in Chemistry and now working for a big company down in Cambridge. I do not say it enough but I am proud of everything she has done.

74/365: Mother


 74/365: Today is Mother’s day. I am blessed with a wonderful woman as my mother. We may get on each others nerves and argue a fair bit but that does not mean there is an absence of love. As I have got older I have come to love my mother more as I have come to understand the sacrifices and decisions she has made. Today I know my mother will be sad that she does not have all her children near to her or on the other end of the phone so I am determined to make her day as special as possible. Being a mother is not just about giving birth to a child. It is about providing love and support to someone. It is about giving time and making sacrifices in order to see someone else happy. I am grateful that God has given me two wonderful women in my life who have treated me as though I am their daughter. They have supported me, loved me and cared for me. Sometimes they know me better than I know myself! So on this Mothering Sunday I want to thank my birth mother and my two God-given mothers for all the love they pour into my life and for never giving up on me when I let them down.


Thank You

Dear Lynda,

I am thankful for you each and every day. I am privileged to have you in my life.


Over the last few years you have loved me and cared about me. You have gone out of your way to support me and to make sure I am okay. You have been interested in my life and have always encouraged me. You have been there to help me pick up the pieces  when I have messed up. You have wiped away my tears and made me laugh again. You have helped me to make sense of life. My life is what it is right now because of your presence and influence.


I can never thank you enough for all you have done and continue to do for me. All the presents and thank you messages will never be enough.


You are a woman who goes above and beyond everyone else. You put others before yourself and strive to see them happy. If I grow up to be even half the person you are then I will hopefully be a blessing to others like you are to me.


59/365: Thanks


59/365: Thanks — We all have things we are thankful for in life; family, friends, a roof over our head, food on the table, money in the bank. I am thankful for the people in my life who stay by my side even when I push them away. I am thankful for the encouragement and the kindness from others. I am thankful that I have a warm place to live and I am able to eat three meals a day. There are so many people in this world who do not have a place to live, who cannot afford one meal a day let alone three. Appreciate what you have. You have so much more than many other people. Be thankful. Be grateful.

51/365: Home


50/365: Home — I believe that a home is not just the building we live in. A home is also about the people who you share that building with. It could be people who are blood related or friends you met through college or university. I think that a home should be filled with love, laughter and compassion. I believe we can find our home in a number of different places. I have my daily home where I live throughout the week and I also have my Church home where I attend several times during the week. A home is much more than the bricks and mortar that keep the building standing. Find a place (or two) that you can call home. A place that makes you happy and where you feel loved.

6/365: Friends


6/365: Friends — Friends are the family we get to choose for ourselves. Friends get us through the hard times and live through the best times with us. Friends love you for who you really are. You can act silly together, you can be serious together and you can be absolutely crazy together. So tell your friends how much you appreciate and love them.